Benjamin Böcking

Herr Dipl.-Psych. Dr. phil. DClinPsychol. Benjamin Böcking
Psychologischer Psychotherapeut

Luisenstrasse 13 · 10117 Berlin Mitte


Deutsch, Englisch

Persönliches Profil

Dr Benjamin Boecking is a clinical psychologist with several years’ post-qualification experience in the assessment and treatment of psychological difficulties and in conducting research.

Dr Boecking currently works as Principal Clinical Psychologist in a clinic for Psychosomatic Disorders - including Tinnitus - at the Charité University Hospital, Berlin. He oversees the psychology remit of the service, contributing to psychological assessment, providing and evaluating effective psychological interventions, and supervising other clinicians in delivering this work. He has previously worked in adult ADHD and Asperger's services as well as psychosexual disorders services at the Maudsley and Chelsea and Westminster Hospitals in London, UK.

Dr Boecking is skilled in providing psychological treatment across a range of difficulties such as tinnitus, adult ADHD, Asperger's syndrome, psychosexual difficulties, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, procrastination, perfectionism, obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD), relationship difficulties, body-dysmorphic disorder or body image problems, adjustment difficulties, addiction, anger, and aggression.

Whilst Dr Boecking predominantly works within a schema-therapeutic framework, he also draws on other therapeutic models such as emotion-focused therapy, motivational interviewing or psychodynamic thinking; always tailoring treatment to his clients’ needs. He is also skilled in providing cognitive assessments of specific and general learning difficulties and in clarifying possible contributions of cognitive difficulties to clinical presentations where indicated.

Dr Boecking is actively involved in research and training. His main research interest lies in expanding the evidence base for therapeutic approaches for managing tinnitus and associated difficulties; focusing particularly on schema-focused interventions. He is also carrying out research on developing effective group interventions for this client group. Previous research investigated psycho-biological mechanisms of effective psychological treatment for social anxiety disorder as well as cognitive processes underlying interpersonal stress generation in depression.

Dr Boecking holds an honorary lectureship at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) where he is actively involved in training MSc and doctoral students on topics such as psychological approaches to adult ADHD, interpersonal and emotion-regulation difficulties, anger and clinical interviewing

2007 Dipl-Psych (‘Diplom Psychologe’)
2010 PhD (Psychology and Neuroscience)
2013 DClinPsych


  • Schematherapie
  • Verhaltenstherapie


  • Erwachsene


  • Privatkassen und Selbstzahler
Letzte Änderung am: 28.05.2018

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